Comori de Arta

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In orice casa unde se cos goblenuri, se gaseste cel putin un Fragonard...
X208 Young Girl Reading by Fragonard /Fata Citind de Fragonard, 25x35cm rectangular, 12 colors, classic needlepoint (larger point), unframed EU300


H277 Tutankhamon /Tutankamon 20x35cm rectangular, 13 colors ppt, unframed EU500

H277 detail

H278 Nefertiti /Nefertiti 20x35cm rectangular, 14 colors ppt, unframed EU500

H278 detail

H291 Sunflowers, by van Gogh /Vaza cu Floarea Soarelui, de vanGogh 20x25cm rectangular, 17 colors ppt, unframed EU300

X210 The Gleaners by Millet/Culegatoare de Spice de Millet, 29x39cm rectangular, classic point, unframed EU400
X210 Detail
H106 Still Nature, by W.Claesz /Natura Moarta de W.Claesz 18x24 cm rectangular 16 colors ppt, unframed EU250

H059 Winter by Theodor Aman (Romanian painter)/Iarna de Theodor Aman, 23x34 rectangular, 26 colors ppt, unframed EU500
H162 Winter Landscape, by Joos de Momper /Peisaj de Iarna de Joos de Momper 20x45 cm rectangular narrow 18 colors ppt, unframed EU600

H049 Girl with Red Scarf, by Nicolae Grigorescu (Romanian Painter)/Fetita cu Batic Rosu de Grigorescu 20x25cm rectangular 12 colors ppt, unframed EU300
VANDUT – intrebati-ne despre disponibilitate
H109 Peasant from Muscel, by Grigorescu/Taranca din Muscel de Grigorescu, 19x27cm rectangular, 21 colors ppt, unframed EU250
H026 Ox Cart by Grigorescu/Car cu Boi de Grigorescu, 23x30cm rectangular, 17 colors ppt, unframed EU400
VANDUT – intrebati-ne despre disponibilitate
H172 Little Shepherd, by Grigorescu/Ciobanas de Grigorescu, 22x40cm rectangular narrow, 26 colors ppt, unframed EU500

H193 Peasant Spinning, by Grigorescu/Taranca Torcand de Grigorescu, 23x40cm rectangular, 24 colors ppt, unframed EU600

D11 Peasant with Pitcher, by Grigorescu/Taranca cu Ulciorul de Grigorescu, 26x50cm narrow rectangular, ppt, unframed EU700

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